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Proud-Haus Shepherds
Home of the Total Dog you can be Proud of!!!
So, what DO all those titles mean???!??
Below, is a list and explanation of titles included in my dogs' pedigrees, and covering a portion of other common available titles....
Conformation Titles |
- CH=champion of record- 15 points, with 2 'major ' wins of 3-5 points included in point total, and both majors being from a different judge
- AWSA CH= American White Shepherd Association specialty show champion
- WSCC CH= White Shepherd Club of Canada specialty show Champion
- BIS/BISS=Best In (all breed) Show or Best In Specialty Show
- CH=champion- 100 points, with 3 'major' competition wins, given under at least 3 different judges
- GRCH=grand champion- 5 wins in the champions class, with at least 3 dogs in class, and given under at least 3 different judges
- BIS/BIMBS=Best In Show/Best In Multi-Breed Show
- RBIS/RBIMBS=Reserve Best In Show/Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show
Obedience Titles |
appearing AFTER the dog's name
- CD= Companion Dog, novice level- 3 passing scores
- CDX= Companion Dog Excellent, open level- 3 passing scores
- UD= Utility Dog, utility level- 3 passing scores
- UDX= Utility Dog Excellent= open and utility levels combined- 10 passing scores in both classes on the same day; when used in conjunction with a number (i.e., UDX4), designates the number of times the dog has completed the UDX requirements
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- OTCH= Obedience Trial Champion- earning 100 points under a designed point system in the open and utility classes, and at least 3 first places under 3 different judges, with one coming from the utility class, with at least 3 dogs in competition; one coming from the open class, with at least 6 dogs in competition, plus one more first in either open or utility, with the same conditions applying.
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- UCD= United Companion Dog, novice level- 3 passing scores
- UCDX= United Companion Dog Excellent, open level- 3 passing scores
- UUD= United Utility Dog, utility level- 3 passing scores
- UOCH= United Obedience Trial Champion- dog must earn a combined score (from openB and utilityB classes at the same trial) of at least 370 five times, and 100 points total, with at least 30 points from the openB class, and 20 from the utilityB class based on a predetermined point scale.
- GOCH= Grand Obedience Trial Champion- dog must earn a combined score of at least 370 at least 15 times, and must be under at least 3 different judges
Dog Sport Titles |
appearing AFTER the dog's name
- BH= Begliethund, "traffic steady companion dog" is a basic translation; a qualifying test to continue in schutzhund.
- ScH1= schutuzhund level 1, first level title- qualifying scores earned in each of 3 phases in one trial: obedience, tracking, and protection; must be 18 months to participate
- ScH2= schutzhund level 2, second level title- similar to ScH1, but progressively more difficult
- ScH3= schutzhund level 3, third and top level title- hardest level with highest expectations in obedience, tracking and protection
- AD= (i can't spell the german translation!) endurance tested dog- dog is required to trot at a minimum speed for 12 kilometers, and must be at least 18 months old to take test
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- FO= Family Obedience- similar to the Begliethund in Schutzhund, and a prerequesite title to continue in dog sport
- PA= Protection Alert- qualifying scores earned in each of 2 phases in one trial: obedience and then a non-contact threat/protection, hence the "alert" title
- P1= Protection level 1- qualifying scores earned in disciplines of obedience and protection
- P2, P3= Protection level 2, 3, each progressive level becoming more difficult- qualifying scores in obedience and protection in one trial, similar to schutzhund, except with the protection work being performed with the option of the helper (person the dog bites!) wearing a full jacket and pants if the handler wants leg bites also (schutzhund uses arm bites only)
- PD1= Police Dog level 1- designed as a test to identify dogs that have the potential to perform police service work
- PD2= Police Dog level 2- for all working patrol level dogs, both PD levels are open to civilians, too; qualifying scores earned in obedience, protection and tracking test; the tracking test being variable surface full-building search.
Agility Titles |
appearing AFTER the dog's name
each level requires 3 qualifying scores/times, with each progressive level becoming more difficult than each previous title.
- NA, NAP= Novice Agility, Novice Agility Preffered-novice/entry level-- each level has a regular and a preferred designation within the level, and also divided by the amount of jumps and the presence of weaves
- NAJ, NJP/NAJP= Novice Agility Jumper, Novice Agility Jumper Preffered- novice level with weaves and extra jumps
- OA, OAP= Open Agility, Open Agility Preffered- intermediate level
- OAJ, OAJP/OJP= Open Agility Jumper, Open Agility Jumper Preffered
- AX, AXJ= Agility Excellent, Agility Excellent Jumper- expert level
- AXP, AJP= Agility Excellent Prefered, Agility Excellent Jumper Prefered
- MX, MXP= Master Agility Excellent, Master Agility Excellent Prefered
- MXJ, AJP= Master Agility Excellent Jumper, Master Agility Excellent Jumper Prefered
- M
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- MACH= Master Agility Champion- also used in conjunction with a number for each time a dog fufils the requirements for the MACH, i.e., MACH3
each level requires 3 qualifying scores/times, with each progressive level becoming harder (by amount of obstacles, choices to be made by the dog and timing) than its prerequesite title .- UAG1= United Agility level 1- novice/entry level
- UAG2= United Agility level 2- intermediate level
- UAG3= United Agility level 3- expert level
- UACH= United Agility Champion
- UACHX= United Agility Champion Excellent
- GACH= Grand Agility Champion
AKC Rally Titles | AKC Tracking Titles |
appearing AFTER the dog's name
each level requires 3 qualifying scores/times, with each progressive level becoming more difficult than each previous title
- RN= Novice Rally- beginner/novice/entry level
- RA= Advanced Rally- intermediate level
- RE= Rally Excellent- expert level
- RAE= Rally Advanced Excellent- similar to the UDX in that the team must qualify in both Advanced and Excellent levels in the same trial at least 10 times; the RAE is also used in designation with numbers in sequence each time when the RAE title requirements are completed: i.e., RAE5
appearing AFTER the dog's name
- TD= Tracking Dog- novice/entry level
- TDX= Tracking Dog Excellent- intermediate level
- VST= Variable Surface Tracker
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- CT= Champion Tracker
Herding Titles |
appearing AFTER the dog's name
- HT= Herding Tested- test for herding instinct
- PT= Pre-Trial Tested- the prerequisite class to all advanced levels
all further levels are divided by course type, and subdivided by type of stocked used- HS= Herding Started
- HI= Herding Intermediate
- HX= Herding Excellent
appearing BEFORE the dog's name
- HC= Herding Trial Champion
appearing AFTER the dog's name
- HC/HIC= Herding Instinct Certified/Certificate
- HCT= Herding Capability Tested
- then, classes are similar to AKC, plus the offerings of large "ranch" courses, all levels being divided by course types, and subdivided by stock type used: sheep, goats, ducks, cattle
More to Come... |