Calendar of Events
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JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Home of the Total Dog you can be Proud of!!
PHS Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events-Results for 2008
16 November... Lily and Sarah do it again, but this time in UKC Agility! They earned their UAG1 title in three tries, and ALL with placements! (plus a bonus run for a 4th leg with a 1st place and a perfect score) Way to go!
1 September... PHS has a new permenant home-- Welcome back to good country living in Jonesboro, AR! (can you believe it?!?) Please note our new email/contact address.
12-15 June: RESULTS...Premier Weekend... Congratulations to Saint and Diane from Rolling Oaks on Saturday's Dog Sport trial with a SECOND PLACE out of 28 entries in the FO class!!! Keeper also qualified, and placed FOURTH! Way to go White Dogs... ½ the placements to White Shepherds! In conformation on Saturday, Ceilidh went BEST OF WINNERS, on her only day showing at Premier, against lots of competition! One more major to go.
12-15 June...UWSC specialty shows and Premier... Look for Keeper in Dog Sport (for his FO) and Conformation, he's the one who will catch your eye... in or out of the rings!
3-4 May...A Huge Congratulations to Lily and Sarah for earning their APDT Rally Level 3 with an Award of Excellence (all scores above 195)!!
March...Keeper places 4th in his Rally Novice B Class! Ceilidh (Keeper's littermate) places 3rd in her Rally Novice A Class! Kyndzie (Keeper & Ceilidh's oldest sister) places 3rd in her Rally Advanced A Class! All were first tries towards their respective titles.
Way to go Proud kids!!!
2008/28-9 February... Keeper will start working towards his AKC Rally Novice title, Hollie is starting her AKC Companion Dog Title, at the Okaloosa KC in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Diane and the girls from Rolling Oaks will be competing in Rally also...
2007- Event Results and News
1 November... The Proud-Haus family relocates to Panama City Beach, FL!
14 October... Keeper, Jada and Dara are entered in UKC Conformation at Kay-9 Petiquette in Elburn, IL-- Keeper won Best of Winners both shows; he went Best of Breed (for 7 Top Ten points) and a Group 2 in his very first show- only 30 points and one major left for his Championship! Jada won a Best Female and a Reserve Best Female, only one more major win for her Championship! Dara won the Champions class in show 2, earning a leg toward her Grand!
7 October: Chloe earns her third leg and recieves her AKC Rally Advanced title in three showings!
29 September: Chloe earns her second leg towards her AKC RA.
26 August: Chloe earns her first leg towards her AKC Rally Advanced title.
14 July: Jada wins a major towards her UKC Championship with a Best of Winners; Dara wins the Champions class twice, her first showings in almost four years!
23 June: Dara returns home to the Proud Haus.
14 June: UWSC annual (national) specialty. Keeper wins Best Novice Puppy; Jada wins Reserve Best Female
15-17 June: Premier, 2007. Jada and Hollie earn their FO title in Dog Sport!!! Jada also wins a Reserve Best Female on Friday.
3 June: GSDCA Temperament Test, sponsored by Topline GSDC of IL.
Chloe and Hollie earn their TC!
25 February: The "K" Litter Arrives!! Keeper is born of this litter.
JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Montello, WI
608.618.K911 (5911)