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JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Home of the Total Dog you can be Proud of!!!

Proud's Field of Calla Lillies

Lily at her second Dog Scout Camp at 18 months old
I had changed around my dogs' pages, as I have always had a dog or three that was on my site that didn't live with me, I was wanting to reflect that I am a pet owner, and only have so many dogs(!!!!) here in my home--- and by making the change I did, it opened up the door for highlighting my puppies whether they're used for my breeding programme, or just being like what I think of my own house dogs most of the time-- really good pets. Lily was one dog I had in mind when I was making that new subheading 'Bred by boys and girls to be Proud of'...

Lily's mom, Sarah, thought good enough of me to think that I was "much better with words" than she; I don't know where to go with that-- I just do it from my own perspective as a pet owner first, all the titles and stuff just come along...
Lily was my first born pup from the Chloe and Cody litter-- she was the girl I had in consideration to keep, along with my Jada (who won out at the last moment-- as I always pick my pups). From she was a pup, Lily was quite the sassy little thing- not a pup to place into a complacent home! (nor were many others from that litter) Sarah was looking for a performance competition caliber dog that had the energy to be able to do things like agility and other high energy sports, so the match was made.
It was a good one:
Lily doing a little Lure Coursing

our Whites aren't often seen in a double-suspension gallop...




At least I think so.
I've had the pleasure of being able to see Lily throughout her life so far and having gotten to know her. She is a big fat mouth chatty dog, that's for sure... you'll know if she wants your attention!!! (smile)
I have never seen Lily unhappy or down; she's always torqued up and ready to go do something, anything, wanna do something-- let's go have some fun! I wish I had an attitude like that- I would get much more done than I do! Give thanks that Sarah encourages Lily's energy and likes to use it to her benefit in training. Sarah tells me often enough that Lily is the most fun dog she's ever owned, and that she's gotten to do more with Lily than any other dog, and she's willing to do it. I like that. I guess as a breeder, and pet owner, that's the best I could ever hope for a dog-- to have an enriched life all while enriching the life of its people. win-win for all.

Lily is making her mark for herself and for the White Shepherd world:
  • GSDCA Temperament Certificate-- June, 2007 Lily was one of the highest scoring dogs of the entire day, and the highest scoring White, with a score of 25. (a passing score is a minimum of "0" with no negative scores)
  • American Pet Dog Trainers Rally: Level One-- March, 2007; Rally Level 2--September, 2007 Lily placed all three legs for her RL1 title-- she recieved a 197 and 3rd place at 11 months old for her first leg, finishing the title at 17 months with her 'worst' score-- "her brain wasn't functioning very well" Sarah says! They also placed all three legs with placements for their level 2 title.
    Level 3--May, 2008 Lilly took First place for all 3 Rally level three legs in ONE weekend, all with scores above 195; an Award Of Excellence, well deserved!
  • American Herding Breed Association Herding Instinct Certificate-- October, 2006 Lily, upon her first time testing with stock, was listed as a dog with excellent potential, with the herding judge saying, "seek more training" "nice dog" and that she would make a great herding dog and could go far. Lily scored very strong marks on the Instinct test. This was also a qualified leg for her first leg (of two) for her AHBA Herding Capability Tested. Notably, Lily's litter sister, Gemini, earned a leg on her JHD (junior herding dog) title that same trial.
  • American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen-- October, 2006 Lily was 12 months old when she earned her CGC. She, of course, passed with flying colours.
  • Dog Scouts of America Dog Scout Merit Badge-- starting August, 2006 Not officially a title, but to be a DSA merit badge holder means that the team of dog and handler has met certain qualifications, some being that the dog has been taught "to be well behaved... " and that the handler as their part of the team "have practiced saftey, showing care and concern for my dog's physical and mental well-being. " They "demonstrate responsible ownership at all times, and am constantly aware of their role as the "thinking end of the leash." Notably, numerous White Shepherds have attended Dog Scouts over the years since its inception; my friend, the late Mark Echterling was a counsellor for DSA, with his Whites, Shadow and Max; both of whom were 'rescue dogs'- dogs who were unwanted by their original owners, and were part of the reason Mark's dream blossomed into a nationwide (and Canada) breed rescue for our beloved WSs , Echo Dogs White Shepherd Rescue.
  • American Kennel Club Rally Novice, Rally Advanced
  • United Kennel Club Agility level 1-- Lily earned her first leg in Feb. 2008; her mom said she just threw her into the trial even though she wasn't 'ready'... they placed 3rd! She finished her UGA1 title 16 November, 2008. All three legs with placements-- woo-hoo! They did a bonus leg in less than ½ the course time with a perfect score and a 1st place.
As from a breeder's perspective, and as these pups are from an import line, where the dogs are 'different' from here, it's nice to be able to keep up regularly with as many of the resultant pups to see how they've turned out. It's extra nice to see multiple owners of these pups excelling together in every venue they choose to perform.
Lily is a fine example of what these dogs can do, and better yet, she does it all as a pet. Lily was spayed as a puppy. Thank You to Sara Case for showing Lily to her potential, and for showing and being a good example of what a good dog and dog owner should be.

Click here to see Lily's Pedigree