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JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Montello, WI
608.618.K911 (5911)
Miss and the 'C' litter
All Proud-Haus Puppies are AKC and/or UKC registered, and are also eligible for AWSA and foreign registration. I volunteer my time and effort in helping anyone wishing to seek registry with any reputable registry and other country's registries(when applicable). Every puppy is sold with a written contract, outlining all stipulations of owning/ownership of a Proud-Haus Puppy.

I guarantee all puppies to be free from genetic defects until one year from birth, and all pups to pass OFA/PennHIP, and not to become crippled within 4 years if never tested, as it is not required for pet homes to go through expensive testing to recieve a guarantee. (OFA doesn't permanently certify until the dog is at least 2 years of age; beware of breeders that offer warranty until 2 years, as then, as soon as puppy is old enough to be examined, the guarantee is OVER)

All breeding stock quality pups must earn at least a UKC championship, and earn a performance title (whether obedience, agility, herding, tracking, is your option)equavilent to an AKC Companion Dog or higher, and have all applicable genetic testing (PennHIP/OFA exams for hips, OFA for elbows) before they may be bred. Proud puppies will not rest on the laurels of their parents, but will be proven themselves before reproducing. All pet quality pups will be altered (spay/neuter) prior to the onset of puberty. All Proud-Haus puppies are tattooed/micro chipped, wormed and current on vaccines before going to their new homes, and are guaranteed free from communicable disease.

As I'm an obedience trainer, I offer Early Puppy Rearing classes and Beginner's Obedience to every puppy buyer. I teach all levels of obedience for those interested in continuing their dog's education. I strongly recommend/require obedience training for every dog in the world, even if classes aren't with me. The relationship that develops between dog and handler turns yous into an inseparable team. Your dog will thank you for the opportunity to live a better, more interesting and enriched life for having gone through the little work and effort!!

Every Proud-Haus puppy has a forever home, any displaced/repossessed puppy/dog has a home with me; I don't ever want to see a Proud Puppy in a shelter or rescue---it is MANDATORY that if you ever were to need to relinquish your dog, it comes back to me and me only. Being a veterinary technician and shelter & rescue worker, I absolutely refuse to contribute to the problem; I will always provide homes for any of my pups who need them!!

For anyone interested in a Proud Puppy, email (or phone) us and we can answer any questions you might have, and we can get to know you, too! We always welcome visitors to the Proud house, and the "kids" love to show off to anyone who will pay attention!
the 'C' litter at PHS, one of the white pups (dressed in lavender) is our 'Chloe', and another white pup is 'Capone'