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Proud-Haus Shepherds

Proud's Corinthian Connection

Chloe in May, 2003 AWSA shows in Wanatah, IN   Winners Bitch/Best Opposite Sex to breed

Chloe is Proud-Haus's pride and joy top bitch; our culmination of years of careful breeding and with her sire's owner, Jean Reeves of Reeves Royal Acres in Valparaiso, IN.

From the moment Chloe was whelped, I had one of those funny feelings that she would be my keeper-and, she was! Chloe embodies all the good qualities her parents had to offer: our Miss gave her steadiness, drive, willingness to please, capability to handle anything that ever comes her way, and her mom's great head and rear. Papa Issac must have said to her, "Child, you must be happy and silly, but very confident-own every situation you walk into" and with also the gift of bone and great coat to boot, it's our "Chlode-Chlo-Chlo" in a nutshell.

We showed limited in puppy classes, with one Reserve Best Puppy at the UWSC National 2002 and a Best Puppy at the AWSA Nationals. It just worked out that Chloe turned 6 months on a show day that she was entered in, she went best of breed and Herding Group 3 on her first time out!!! She whipped through her UKC Championship by the age of 6 months 7 days! November just happened to be a busy showing month, we went to Kansas for 3 days of White Shepherd specialties. On Sunday, there 3 WSCC shows-she went Best of Breed for show 2, and Best Opposite Sex to breed for show 3 (with BOB going to our Bill!!), earning 8 of her Canadian championship points. Then, in March, 03, she caught her other 7 points-she just now needs to be one year old and get a Winners Bitch to claim her WSCC Championship, as all her other requirements were finished at 10 months old. Chloe has such a lovely disposition -late this summer, she completed her AKC CD in three trials (we'd entered an extra one, and she qualified a fourth time, too) in September '03.---her littermate (of whom attended my puppy, beginner and novice classes, as did the 2 of his older doggy housemates whom also have titled in obedience after training with me), Shane, has earned both his AKC and UKC CD and is now working on flyball.

Chloe really acts the snuggle-baby, too---squiggly, silly, she's so much her grandfather, Gus, one can't help but to just adore her, she's so funny!! Chloe and Bill together are like a couple of cartoon characters- Chloe is the comic relief for this house yet, she can be so quiet, aware and cuddly; she has turned out to be a well-balanced and well-rounded little dog---that she gets from both of her parents.

We're very Proud of our baby girl- and look forward to our long future together!!! Chloe is 24 inches tall, and averages about 80ish pounds. She is a lot(!!) of bitch, large boned and powerful in structure, with a perfect croup/tailset, flowing into a lovely and long tail; her whole rear is just awesome in my eyes-a little "flashy" for a bitch, she has excellent turn of stifle, fantastic, balanced angulation, both front and back; giving her movement filled with power that looks like she's dancing on glass. She has a very very full, 'plushy' coat that has some cream on her back and tail, her ears and hocks have biscuit on them, too. All her pigment is black, except she has a little bit of snow nose-but, there's no perfect dog out there yet, is there?

Summer 2004
What a remarkable litter Chloe had with Bill this Spring... there were 5 girls, and 4 boys, all just fantastic!! More than one person said, there was no bad one in the bunch! All were of wonderful temperament and personality, each their own doggie--and all were structured well and everyone is healthy and happy! Nobody stayed behind at the Proud house this litter, but a couple of the puppies, are co-owned by us, and they are getting ready to begin their show careers with their families' help and excitement for having such wonderful puppies! White, plush coats, black black pigment, darkest brown eyes, large solid strong bone, sweet, friendly, outgoing little pistols all whom love to cuddle.... how can one go wrong?!?
Click here to view Chloe's Pedigree
JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Montello, WI
608.618.K911 (5911)