2x Total Dog Qualifier R/BIMBS GRCH URO1 JayDee's Tax Collector at PHS, RN, CGC, PennHIP 90% .29/.26 /OFA Good Hips, Normal Cardiac, Full Dentition, DM N/N (clear), MDR1/ABCB1 N/N (clear), DNA Profiled ![]() 5 June, 2008 - 4 October, 2016 All my "Bill" boys stolen too soon, you were my no-no-bad-dog who outlasted the rest & I thought you would be with me forever... then you were stolen away too. You were the best I ever bred, and now the end of an era ![]() pretty in movement, even when in slow flight; plus ![]() smart too! 1st place title leg for AKC RN |
hahhahhaa y'all I got the computer wile momz a sleep. Mom says all this stuff about me but not much of it is true, well maybe some
of it. I do like to flirt with the ladys whenever I get a chance. So, I hear that these webpages about we dogs are supposent ta be like a bio or a profile, and this one gets to be all about ME, Matthew, aka the Kookachoo or just Choo when momz being lovey she calls me that. Its embarassing except when we're at home and theres no one else around to hear it. She needz to get dignifyed and just call me Matthew in public. jeez its not like i'm a baby anymore- I'm gonna be 4 in less than 3 months! I do like that she drags me everywhere with her that she goes. I get to rub it in to everyone else when I get home most of the time. I really like when we go to the dump. The nice lady there always gives me 2 cookies and the air smells really good. I could get lost there for days if mom would let me out of the car there. She says no all the time that therez sharp stuffs on the ground. Oh right back to the bio thing. hm with the easy stuff first? I am 25" tall and 87 pounds with very plush all white hair (no tan on me) cause I carry the long coat gene my mom sayz. I have dark dark dark eyes. I like to do rally, obedience, protection & herding but don't care much for conformation; it's just standing around and running in circles to be pretty. I know I look good, I was a Best In Show winner my first weekend out showing, and a Reserve Best in Show winner too. That stuff dont much interest me. I like to do stuff other than act pretty! I am generally healthy- the only bad time I remember in my life is when I was little I broke my arm, head and teeth well I didnt do it- the stray mean black stinky dog attacked me. I didn't like the vet that day either. Like he didn't know my arm was brok when i yelled and he had to twist it to put it on that cold table youch... So i ended up having to have a tooth pulled up front too, but mom saved it. shez so silly she put it in a jar. Then she could say I had all my teeth for some reason like that's important. Shez even offered to show it to people at dog shows. Ick! Isnt stuff like that supposent ta be private? Here I am again, wondering what to say about a baby... Matthew is the puppy I couldn't dare sell, and didn't want to. He is bad, bad, bad (!) Just what I want in a puppy... very focused, and has drive to die for in a working-type dog; although he'll be just mostly loved as a pet, like the rest of the family. Like all of my dogs, I have high hopes for Matthew too... I don't much know what to make of his conformation, just that he is massive in bone, very good in pigment, white-white; a great set of ears (with good ear-set) that even came up early early, especially for my line. He has a much better chest depth than many I've produced, and has an excellent front. He has great-big movement for such a little guy! I can say, however, I do know his temperament... reminds me of my girl, MissY, and that's a blessing. He already has the nicest front-sit on a reacall consistently of any dog I've had. Let's hope he'll keep it... I hope to be using it alot in the future as we hope to be able to compete in all of my loved venues: obedience, rally, dog sport. More to come as we watch this boy grow! So now, we're at the beginning of 2011, and Matthew's all grown-up! He hasn't been shown but for one time so far in his life, winning Best Male at the 2009 UWSC National Specialty Show at Premier. Not too bad! But, more importantly, Matthew has become my service dog- he's almost too good at his job... waking me up in the middle of the night to let me know I'm going to have a seizure! LOL He reminds me in so many ways of his father, "Keeper", and grandfather, "Bill", but with the energy and determination turned to HIGH; I can't so much complain about that, though, as he is always ready to work for me, and so often makes me laugh with his oh-so-silly childish antics. He knows exactly how I'm feeling, and adjusts himself to that. I truly appreciate that. I am so grateful to have had this inbred litter on Chloe-- she has been a special and great bitch, and Matthew preserves both her and his Grandfather Bill's qualities in him. He has matured into a wonderful dog, with a "I want it all" attitude who is eager to please and has all the intelligence of many generations of PHS dogs behind him. Matthew has beautiful, balanced movement, despite not being an angulated dog. He has and produces a wonderful front, head and temperament. So, Matthew's had a few more shows, easily earning his Championship in 4 shows (needed to pick up his loose points with the fourth show), with one major coming from a RBIMBS and his final one, a BEST IN SHOW!!! He also now has 2 wins towards his Grand Championship (out of 2 possible chances)! -- woo-hoo-Koo-ka-choo -- Late July, 2011... It has been a fun summer so far! Matthew has entertained me daily, and also now has 4 wins towards his Grand Championship, and also earned his URO1 (United Rally Obedience level 1) title in 3 sucessive legs! He got his first leg with a score of 87 (no thanks to my handler error LOL) towards his title at Premier in Kalamazoo, along with the Award of Merit from the Saturday's Champion class, earning a TOTAL DOG QUALIFIER-- what I consider the most prestigious award there is to get! Matthew is continuing on in his grandfather's footsteps to my amazement and joy! Additonally, we went to the UGSDA shows in Lake Elmo, MN the 16th of July where he easily finished his URO1 title with scores of 95 on leg 2 and a perfect score of 100 for his title leg, and earning a 3rd place!!! He also, with the first show/trial of the day, earned his SECOND TOTAL DOG QUALIFIER with a Champion class win, Best of Breed, and a Group 2, and also a Reserve Champion for show/trial 2.
Click Here for Matthew's Pedigree
![]() Matthew's BIMBS at Kay-9 Petiquette 6 Feb. 2011 Thanks judge Jeanne Heger! ![]() Matthew at 4 months ![]() Matthew's first dog show- winning Best Male at the 2009 UWSC specialty show---12 months old |
JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds Jen Proud, BS, CVT, CT (ASCP) TCVM VTS Montello, WI 608.618.K911 (5911) |