Home of:
BISS AWSA select/2x WSCC Select CH BIMBS/RBIMBS UCD FO GRCH "Bill", CD, RN, TDI, CGC, HC, 80% PennHIP/OFA elbows/MDR1 n/n-- UKC Top Ten 2001, #1 White Shepherd 2002, 2003, 2004 #9 ALL-BREED 2005; the most winning WS Dog in our breed
AWSA/WSCC CH major pointed RBIMBS FO GRCH "Chloe", CD, RA, GSDCA TC, TDI, CGC, HCT, 80% PennHIP/OFA elbows/MDR1 n/m--UKC White Shepherd #1 bitch/#4 overall 2002
P1 CH "Hollie", RN, GSDCA TC, TDI, CGC, HC, 100% PennHIP/, OFA Cardiac, Dentition, DM Clear, MDR1 n/n
CH "Gus", GSDCA 13 Club Member, CGC, OFA, MDR1 n/n
and in the next generation...
R/BIMBS URO1 GRCH "Matthew", RN, CGC, PennHIP 90% /OFA Good Hips/Cardiac/Dentition, MDR1, DM, DNA profiled & 2x Total Dog Qualifier
HIT BIAM Group Winning CH major pointed URO1 "RuthY", RA, PennHIP 70% /OFA Good Hips, Nomal Elbows/Cardiac/Patella/Dentition, MDR1, DM, DNA profiled & 2x Total Dog Qualifier, 2014 #14 (#5 bitch) AKC NOHS GSD in the country & 2014 Rally National Invitee
And Breeder of many Champions, Grand Champions & working titled dogs
Proud to be a member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America and Signer of the GSDCA Breeder's Code of Ethics

Looking for a thoughtfully bred, healthy German Shepherd puppy from show & working/show titled parents with health clearances and a health/longevity guarantee?
See:Upcoming/Current Litters for more
information and then feel free to Email us for more information about our puppies!
Other News on the Website
See our Training page for the new classes offered, including American Red Cross Pet First Aid certification,
AKC Canine Good Citizen Classes and Testing
And don't forget that we train all breeds of (specializing in large & problem) dogs!
We also have Dog Related Articles to help you and yours
how to search and what to look for when it's time to find a new family member... and other informational tidbits

Welcome to JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds! Please pardon our mess; we are a site that is
constantly working to improve for you, the viewer. We hope you enjoy your experience
here with the Proud house; please feel free to email or phone us for any information
you don't yet see on our site.
Thank you for visiting, and come again!!
Your hostess,
Jen Proud and those who hold her heart, Jen's Dogs
Proud Members of:
Click on the rescue icon to visit Echo Dogs White Shepherd Rescue, our official national
not-for-profit White Shepherd rescue group, whom I have worked with and supported for some years now through
fostering, transport, vetting, home visits, to being a board member. We are always looking for volunteer foster homes and any
other form of help available...Open your home and heart; help a rescue dog!
JayDee's Proud-Haus Shepherds
Montello, WI
608.618.K911 (5911)
Check out our JayDee's Proud-Haus Shehpherds' Cafepress Store for PHS logo/white shepherd items
by clicking on the Cafepress icon below!
